Nitrox Gas Blender Instructor


Enriched air, trimix and rebreather diving just can’t happen without the right gas mixes Not only does a dive shop need the right blending equipment, but it also needs qualified gas blenders. As a Tec Gas Blender Instructor, you can help meet the demand for gas blenders by offering this important training.


  • Reviews of knowledge of gas blending procedures
  • Demonstrate step-by-step oxygen cleaning procedures
  • Practice teaching segments of the course
  • Create different gas blends
  • Our Tec Trainer will be happy to answer questions, give you some special tips and specific information

Time: 5 days

Categories: , Product ID: 11243



tec trimix diving poseidon dive center padi

Enriched air, trimix and rebreather diving just can’t happen without the right gas mixes Not only does a dive shop need the right blending equipment, but it also needs qualified gas blenders. As a Tec Gas Blender Instructor, you can help meet the demand for gas blenders by offering this important training.


  • Reviews of knowledge of gas blending procedures
  • Demonstrate step-by-step oxygen cleaning procedures
  • Practice teaching segments of the course
  • Create different gas blends
  • Our Tec Trainer will be happy to answer questions, give you some special tips and specific information

Time: 5 days