About us
Here all About us: First Class Dive Center of Colombia, the only PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Dive Resort with Tec Diving Facility and with the most comfortable Dive Catamarans.
The day is long and the adventure has just began!
About us
Wake up in the tropics, and head up to Poseidon. With a big smile, our friendly staff will guide you to the equipment room. Of course, choose yours and get your wetsuit on. Also, taking a refreshing jump in the pool is a must! Afterward, take a leisurely stroll a few meters to the beach. Finally, board our catamarans, where you’ll receive a warm welcome from the Captains. Assemble your gear and don’t forget to prepare your camera because the view is truly unique!
About us choosing the dive site
Choosing the dive site occurs during the trip, considering both weather conditions and the profile of divers. Once decided, jump into the water and certainly discover the amazing Coral Reefs. At the surface, the boat will be waiting for you with an incredible snack. Take your camera out again because it’s time to rest and enjoy Tayrona Park. After a relaxing break, change your dive tank and then jump into a different dive site for a completely new exploration. Remember to strike some nice poses for the guide’s camera; these moments are for a lifetime memory. As you resurface, take more photos for your Instagram and Facebook because the view will be truly unique!
About us back @ Poseidon Dive Center
Finally, at Poseidon, take a nice shower and rinse off that salt. Afterward, head to the coffee and tea bar where a refreshing break awaits you. So, it’s time to share your underwater adventures with others. Log your dive, connect to Wi-Fi, and share your experiences with friends. Don’t forget to tag your instructor and connect with fellow divers. Sharing your passion and meeting new friends from all over the world is the most gratifying experience at Poseidon. Finally, all of this makes up a significant part of the two-tank dive experience!
#Divingtaganga #tagangadiving #tagangascubadiving #diveintaganga #bestplacetodiveincolombia

Because it is not just dive, it is a feeling, a sensation.
A lifetime experience, exiting exploration and adventure sensation. post that underwater photo with incredible marine life on the background with friends on Instagram and social networks.
About us: Mision
Diving and training with passion to know 70% of the planet.

About us: Vision
- Be Leader in Technical and Recreational Diving in Colombia and worldwide reference
- Be the best working place
- Offer the best customer service
- Offer the best equipments and transport
- With Up to Date Instructors and continuing their education